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Hey! My name's Arin Scalfo. I'm a 27 year old storyboard artist and 2D animator. I have been an eager artist ever since I could first grip a pencil and have been aspiring to create my own cartoons since I saw my first one on TV.

I was born in New Jersey but moved out to California as soon as I finished high school to pursue a career in animation. After being accepted by Laguna College of Art and Design I completed my educational journey by graduating in 2018 with a BFA in Animation.

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Creating animation has been my dream my whole life and I'm lucky that I found my lifelong passion so early. I love telling fun and engaging stories and making jokes. Knowing that my own ideas won't always be what I'm working on, I upload independent cartoons to my YouTube channel: ArinsMind. It's a lot of work to do by myself but the reward is more than worth it. Since I started over 10 years ago, I've amassed over 62 million views and 200,000+ subscribers by making videos poking fun at recognizable video games and anime. It's been infinitely gratifying that other people share my sense of humor and enjoy the content that I create. And making money from it ain't bad either.  

When I'm not working, I enjoy socializing with friends and family, playing games, or catching up on anime, cartoons and film. Pop culture has always been a huge part of my life and seeing all the different ways art can evolve, adapt, and even stay the same to impact people's lives is beyond infatuating. Plus, video games are fun sometimes!

From now until the day I croak, I'm determined to continue to create jokes, stories and characters to keep the art of animation moving forward at full speed. I can't picture myself doing anything else with my life, so it just makes sense.


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